Welcome to the Neurosciences Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association 

We are a not-for-profit national organization operated by volunteers with a passion for neurological physiotherapy. We connect physiotherapists working in neurological settings to learning opportunities and a community of colleagues across the country.

Join the NSD Executive!

NSD News

NSD Annual Meeting and Networking Night December 8th, 2021

NSD Virtual Annual Meeting and Networking Night December 8th, 2021 at 8pm Eastern Time Virtual event - register for the annual meeting and receive the link for the event and networking Featuring guest speaker, Corinne Walsh from Platinum Leadership Inc. and the NSD...

Spinal Moves Podcast

The Activity-Based Therapy Community of Practice (ABT CoP) is excited to announce the launch of Spinal Moves, a podcast conversation about activity-based therapy. Join hosts Hope Jervis Rademeyer and Anita Kaiser as they chat with people living with spinal cord...

NSD Executive: Open Positions

The Neurosciences Division Executive is looking for some extra help.  We would love to hear from you!  Help is needed in these areas: Communications/member relations subcommittee Newsletter Synapse Subcommittee Knowledge Translation (KT) collaborator Webinar...


A pragmatic overview of the research and implementation of Telerehabilitation with neurological populations Presenters: Dr. Dahlia Kairy, Dr. Hélène Corriveau, and Dr. Sarah DonkersWednesday April 1, 2020 12:30-1:30 EST This webinar will provide an overview of...

AEROBICS Workshop is Cancelled

The AEROBICS workshop on May 28 with Dr. Marilyn MacKay-Lyons has been cancelled as an in-person workshop. We hope to offer the workshop at a future date and that those interested will join us at that time. In the meantime, if you have not taken the eAEROBICS modules,...

Pre-Congress Course UPDATE

Since Congress has been cancelled, we will not be running this pre-Congress course. If you have already registered, we will be in touch about refunding the cost of registration. Please stay tuned for updates as we explore virtual education opportunities. Join NSD in...


Grow your practice with NSD's education series

We offer regular webinars covering different topics related to neuro physio practice. NSD webinars can be found here. NSD members may access the NSD hosted webinars for free using the provided coupon in the latest e-blast.



Mindfulness in Pain and Stress Management

September 10, 2021 @ 12:00pm Eastern/9:00am Pacific With advances in neuroscience research, mindfulness has been found to be a safe and effective non-pharmacological management option for patients with chronic conditions, such as persistent pain. Mindfulness...

Concussion in Women and Girls

June 23, 2021 @ 7:30pm Eastern/4:30pm Pacific This webinar will explore sex and gender in concussion research, and discuss the growing body of evidence that shows that concussion presents differently in women. We will cover the hypotheses that have been presented to...