Welcome to the Neurosciences Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association 

We are a not-for-profit national organization operated by volunteers with a passion for neurological physiotherapy. We connect physiotherapists working in neurological settings to learning opportunities and a community of colleagues across the country.

Join the NSD Executive!

NSD News

NSD AGM – November 2, 2018

The Annual General Meeting of CPA's Neuroscience Division will take place at Congress on November 2, 2018 from 5:45-6:45 local time. Members not attending Congress are welcome to join the meeting online. Click here to join our webcast.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity

The Rick and Amanda Hansen Fellowship In Partnership with the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation and the Rick Hansen Institute   **Application Now Available on the University of Toronto Department of Physical Therapy...

Use of the Mini-BESTest to evaluate postural control in the clinic

When: Thursday June 14, 2018, 12-1pm EST Webinar link: https://cpa-neurosciences.adobeconnect.com/minibestest/ Speaker: Dr. Jean-François Lemay Jean-François Lemay is a post-doctoral fellow at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – Lyndhurst Centre and is currently...

Invitation to Participate in Pediatric Concussion Research Study

Expert Consensus on Best Practices for Vestibular Rehabilitation after Concussion in the Paediatric Population: A Delphi Study The following is an invitation from a team of researchers in the School of Physical Therapy at Western University: We are inviting...

Upcoming Webinar – April 6, 2018

Electrical Stimulation therapy (E-Stim) for the treatment of people with Chronic wound  Date: Friday April 6, 2018 Time: 12-1pmEST Speaker: Dr. Pamela Houghton Click on the Webinars page for more information


Grow your practice with NSD's education series

We offer regular webinars covering different topics related to neuro physio practice. NSD webinars can be found here. NSD members may access the NSD hosted webinars for free using the provided coupon in the latest e-blast.



The PT-PTA Team in Neuroscience

Recorded January 19, 2021 @ 12:00 noon Eastern The role of the physiotherapist assistant in Canada is evolving. An effective PT-PTA team is crucial for optimal client care. The purpose of this workshop is to identify strategies for building an effective physiotherapy...

Training the Brain: Connecting Vision To Action

RECORDED November 26, 2020 @ 7:00PM Eastern SPEAKER: Katie Mitchell Vision is our dominant sense that provides rich temporal and spatial information about our environment. Daily activities require processing of dynamic visual scenes in various environments to...