Welcome to the Neurosciences Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association
We are a not-for-profit national organization operated by volunteers with a passion for neurological physiotherapy. We connect physiotherapists working in neurological settings to learning opportunities and a community of colleagues across the country.
Join the NSD Executive!
NSD News
Paediatric Vestibular Rehab Course
This course is being hosted by the Paediatric Division of CPA. More information is coming soon. To be added to the registration waitlist, please email [email protected]
Upcoming Webinar
Acupuncture for Stroke, presented by Enoch Ho Brought to you by the Neuroscience Division and the Acupuncture Division Click on our Webinars page for more details
Join the Vestibular Sub-Interest Group’s Journal Club!
Did you know that the Neurosciences Division has a Vestibular Sub-Interest Group? This month, we are launching an online journal club discussing vestibular rehab research and clinical practice advice. Four times per year we will be featuring an article or document...
Grow your practice with NSD's education series
We offer regular webinars covering different topics related to neuro physio practice. NSD webinars can be found here. NSD members may access the NSD hosted webinars for free using the provided coupon in the latest e-blast.
NSD 2020 Annual Meeting
NSD's 2020 Annual Meeting was held virtually on August 27, 2020. If you weren't able to join live, you can watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/qA68PtHYlOg The slides shared in this presentation can be downloaded here: NSD AGM 2020H27 Slide Deck rev...
‘The New Normal’: Navigating the changes to the physiotherapy profession
RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE: https://youtu.be/cYfpYlEHrG4 Speakers: Brenda Mori, Natasha Wilch, and Karim Meghji Brenda Mori is the Director of Clinical Education and Community Affairs at the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto and leads the...
How can we improve medication management for persons with spinal cord injury/dysfunction?
Presenter: Dr. Sara Guilcher Date: July 16, 2020 @ 12:00 Eastern Multiple medications are often used to prevent and treat secondary complications and conditions associated with spinal cord injury/dysfunction (SCI/D). Little is known about the prevalence and risk...