by Kelsey Cook | Apr 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
BCNSD is excited to facilitate a free webinar by Dr. Krassioukov for our members. He will be discussing the impact of using transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation on function in individuals with spinal cord injury. If you are interested in joining the...
by Sharon Shew | Mar 22, 2022 | Uncategorized, Webinar
Gamification of Rehabilitation: Implications for motor recovery & brain plasticity after stroke Wednesday March 23, 2022 4pm PST (7pm EST) Speaker Bios: Bev Larssen is a physical therapist and a PhD candidate in the Brain Behaviour Lab at UBC. Her research focuses...
by Sharon Shew | Dec 7, 2021 | Annual General Meetings, Home, Uncategorized
NSD Virtual Annual Meeting and Networking Night December 8th, 2021 at 8pm Eastern Time Virtual event – register for the annual meeting and receive the link for the event and networking Featuring guest speaker, Corinne Walsh from Platinum Leadership Inc. and the...
by Meaghan Adams | Mar 4, 2021 | Uncategorized, Webinar
March 10, 2021, 10am Eastern This webinar is part of the Global Webinar Series presented by the International Neurological Physical Therapy Association (INPA). As an NSD member, you are also a member of INPA. Click here to register
by Meaghan Adams | Sep 1, 2020 | Home, Uncategorized
The Neurosciences Division Executive is looking for some extra help. We would love to hear from you! Help is needed in these areas: Communications/member relations subcommittee Newsletter Synapse Subcommittee Knowledge Translation (KT) collaborator Webinar...
by Meaghan Adams | Jul 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
The recording of NSD’s panel webinar, entitled “The New Normal: Navigating Challenges to the Physiotherapy Profession,” featuring Brenda Mori, Natasha Wilch, and Karim Meghji is now available here.